It's no secret that I'm not the most organised person in the world. Which is strange because I enjoy the planning side of organising i.e making the lists, scheduling etc.. I just lack the motivation to carry out the tasks. In attempt to become more organised in life, I recently took up Bullet Journaling.
Bullet Journaling is essentially a notebook which is fully customisable, it can be used for planning, sketches, a notebook, anything you want it to be! The informal feel to bullet journaling is actually what I was drawn to. In the past I've tried countless times to stick to your typical yearly planner and the structure just didn't seem to work for me. I either found I didn't use it as my day to day schedule doesn't change that drastically, or I had no where to scribble down any quick ideas or notes.
I've used my journal for around 3 months now, and I'm honestly loving it. If you're an art lover you will definitely enjoy creating your own pages. There's not really much format to mine as I'm not the most creative person. Mine consists of a monthly title page and overview of events, followed by a double page weekly spread. Every month I've been switching up this weekly spread to incorporate different themes, and tracking different things. For example, you could track water intake, steps, meals, weather, or whatever you find is important to you.

The best thing I've found about bullet journaling is the freedom to 'break the rules'. You can create pages dedicated to anything you want, without having to flick all the way to the back for the 'Notes' page.. the whole journal is your notes page! It's great for when you have a spur of the moment idea because you can just stick it in the next blank page of your journal. You can also create some fun pages to separate up the journal. I've made pages dedicated to blog post ideas, films I'd like to watch, shopping lists, even a memories page full of doodles at the end of each month!